Upcoming Events:
if you are interested in screening the film, click here
March 11, 2015
8 pm, University of Bielefeld, Universitätsstr. 25, Bielefeld, Hörsaal 12, Germany
Past Events:
March 11, 2014
8 pm, KuZe, Hermann Elflein Str. 10, Potsdam
March 11, 2014
7 pm, University of Wollongong, Building 20 Communications), Room 3, Wollongong, Australia
December 14, 2013 – March 30, 2014
Radioactivists as part of the exhibition global aCtIVISm
ZKM | Museum für neue Kunst, Lorenzstrasse 19, Karlsruhe, Germany
January 15 and 19, 2014
Broadcasting on TIDE TV
Jan 15 at 10:30 pm, Jan 19 at 10:00 pm
December 22 and 29, 2013
Broadcasting on Alex Berlin
Dec 22 at 9:45 pm, Dec 29 at 9:45 pm
December 25, 27 and 29, 2013
Broadcasting on TIDE TV
Dec 25 at 8:15 pm, Dec 27 at 3:45 pm, Dec 29 at 9:15 pm
December 10-15, 2013
Broadcasting on Fernsehen in Schwerin Offener Kanal
at various times, please check out the schedule
July 05, 2013
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present) at the Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften der Universität Halle-Wittenberg
7:30 pm, Universitätsplatz 9, Melanchtonianum, Hörsaal XVI, Halle (Saale)
June 25, 2013
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
7:30 pm, Lichtmess-Kino, Gaußstr. 25, Hamburg-Altona
March 12, 2013
Fukushima and the Japanese Anti-Nuclear-Movement
7 pmVortrag mit Lichtbildern über den Reaktorunfall und seine Folgen
8 pm “Radioactivists”
Nachbarschaftsetage Fabrik Osloer Str., Osloer Str. 12, Berlin
March 3, 2013
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-maker Clarissa Seidel present)
6 pm, WerkStadt e.V, Emserstr.124, Berlin-Neukölln
October 07, 2012
RADIOACTIVISTS reloaded (film-makers present)
6 pm, video installation based on ‘RADIOACTIVISTS – Protest in Japan since Fukushima’ at the opening weekend of KunstDoc Leipzig, Eisenbahnstr. 15, Leipzig
October 12, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS at Uranium Film Festival Berlin (film-maker Clarissa Seidel present)
(Double feature with ‘Food and Radiation’)
6:15 pm, Moviemento, Kottbusser Damm 22, Berlin
December 10, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
8:00 pm, Luxkino am Zoo, Seebener Straße 172, Halle/Saale (an event by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen-Anhalt)
September 13, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-maker Clarissa Seidel present)
7:00 pm, Moritzhof, Moritzplatz 1, Magdeburg (an event by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen-Anhalt)
September 18, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-maker Clarissa Seidel present)
5:30 pm, Kiezkino, Bertolt-Brecht-Straße 29, Dessau (an event by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen-Anhalt)
New York City, United States
August 5, 2012, 1:15 pm, Community Church NY Gallery Room, 28 East 35th St. (btwn Park & Madison Aves.), NY, 10016
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
July 13, 2012, 8:10 pm, 2nd International Uranium Film Festival, Cinema of the Modern Art Museum – MAM
London, UK
July 07, 2012, 5:30 pm, East End Film Festival , Genesis
June 23, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
Hans Peter Zimmer Stiftung, Ronsdorfer Str. 77a, Düsseldorf
June 17, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-maker Clarissa Seidel present) at Occupy Berlin, 7th Berlin Biennale
KW Institute of Contemporary Art Museum, Auguststr. 69, 10117 Berlin
June 08, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-maker Clarissa Seidel present)
Grünes Kino, Grüne Neukölln, Berthelsdorfer Str. 9, Berlin
Tokyo, Japan
June 06, 2012, 6:30 pm, OAG, 7-5-56 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
June 02, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
8.00 pm, Room 004, Ehrenbergstraße 26–28, 14195 Berlin Haus 5, at ‘Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften‘, Free University Berlin
May 25, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS at the 13th Japan Filmfest Hamburg
4:00 pm, PROJEKTOR, Sternstr. 4, Hamburg
Brussels, Belgium
May 21, 6:30 pm, One World International Human Rights Film Festival Brussels, Goethe Institut, Rue Belliard 58, B-1040 Brussels
May 17, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
6.00 pm, Room ESA-O 221 at Asien-Afrika Institut, University of Hamburg
May 10, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-maker Julia Leser present)
6:20 pm, University of Halle, Hallescher Saal, Universitätsring 5, Halle (Saale)
May 1, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-maker Julia Leser present)
9pm, Nantoka Bar, Autonomes Zentrum, Wiersbergstr. 44, Cologne
April 26, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-maker Julia Leser present)
19:30, Broadway, Trier
Tokyo, Japan:
April 20, 7:30 pm, Café Lavanderia, 2-12-9 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022
20. April, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
19:45, TU Berlin during McPlanet Congress, TU Berlin
Zurich, Switzerland:
April 19, 6:30 pm, University of Zurich, UZH (KOL F 150)
April 16, 2012
8 pm, Statdkino Rotenburg, Rotenburg an der Wümme
New York, USA:
n.o.n.u.k.e.s. Film & Talk Vol. 2: RADIOACTIVISTS
April 13, 7 pm, Cage, 83 Hester Street, NY 10002
April 3, 2012
8:30 pm, FUT, Leipzig
March 26, 2012
8 pm, Anna und Arthur, Katzenstr. 2, Lüneburg – presented by JANUN e.V.
In the week of March 15th-21st Lichtblick cinema in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg will show RADIOACTIVISTS:
- Thursday March 15 | 5:30 p.m.
- Sunday, March 18 | 6:15 p.m. (Film-makers present)
- Monday, March 19 | 5:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 20 | 5:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, March 21 | 5:00 p.m.
Tokyo, Japan:
March 20, 2012, 6:30 pm, スペースたんぽぽ(た
organized by Tanpopo
March 20, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
7pm, Tazcafé, Rudi-Dutschke-Str. 23, Berlin, Germany
March 20, 2012
7 pm, Linkstreff Gröpelingen, Gröpelinger Heerstraße 120, Bremen – presented by Linksjugend Solid
New York City, USA:
March 17, 2012:
jfissures panel at Left Forum:
Panel: People’s Movement In the Post Fukushima Nuclear Power Catastrophe
@ Left Forum – Pace University: 1 Pace Plaza, Room E327 New York, NY (registration required)
March 8/10/14, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic:
One World Human Rights Film Festival | Category: Youth Quake
- March 8, 5:15pm at Světozor velký sál
- March 10, 1:30pm at Lucerna
- March 14, 8pm at Městská knihovna
March 13, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-maker Clarissa Seidel present)
7:30pm, Cinémathèque Leipzig, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 48, Leipzig, Germany
March 11th
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-maker Clarissa Seidel present)
Original Version in Japanese with English subtitles
7:00 pm, Koi Klub ‘Yes but no-Party’, HBC, Berlin
March 11th
11:30 am, Cineplex Planken, Mannheim, Germany
March 10
10am at FCCJ (schedule & address see here), Tokyo, Japan
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club in Japan
March 8, 2012
9:30pm, Kommunales Kino Freiburg, Germany
March 7, 2012
7:15 pm, Kino Passage, Erlenbach, Germany
March 6, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
7pm, Kino im Sprengel, Klaus-Müller-Kilian-Weg 1, Hannover, Germany
March 4, 2012
RADIOACTIVISTS Sunday’s matinee screening (film-makers present)
12pm, Kino Passage, Erlenbach, Germany
March 3, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
7:30pm, Kommunales Kino Freiburg, Germany
February 29, 2012
8pm, City 46, Bremen, Germany
February 28, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
8:30pm, Programmkino Rex, Wilhelminenstr. 9, Darmstadt, Germany
February 28, 2012
“Fukushima – one year after the catastrophe” – Discussion with Akiko Yoshida (Friends of the Earth Japan) and Koichi Koike (farmer from Fukushima); Parts of RADIOACTIVISTS will be shown
7pm, Kellertheater Hamburg, Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1, Hamburg, Germany
February 27, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS and Discussion “Aftershock – Energy politics after the catastrophe of Fukushima” with: Akiko Yoshida (Friends of the Earth Japan), Mycle Schneider (Nuclear Expert, France), Hubert Weigner (BUND Germany), Jürgen Trittin (Green Party, Germany)
5pm, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Schumannstr. 8, Berlin, Germany
February 27, 2012
8pm, City 46, Bremen, Germany
February 26, 2012
8pm, City 46, Bremen, Germany
February 26, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
1pm, Cineplex Planken, Germany
February 25, 2012
6pm, City 46, Bremen, Germany
February 23, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS (film-makers present)
8:30pm, City 46, Bremen, Germany
February 7, 2012
Presentation by Clarissa Seidel, “Fukushima within Social Media, traditional media and society” (in German)
7pm, Tazcafé, Rudi-Dutschke-Str. 23, Berlin, Germany
February 8, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS, presented by BUND Dresden (film-makers present)
7:30pm, Cinema Schauburg, Dresden, Germany
January 27, 2012
3pm, University of Trier, Hörsaal 2 in the A/B Building, Campus 1, Trier, Germany
January 27, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS, presented by Masanori Oda (Illcommonz)
6pm, Tsukuba University, Central Campus, 2B409, Ibaraki, Japan
January 08, 2012
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS presented by Grüne Hochschulgruppe of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
9pm, Brot&Zucker
January 12, 2012
4pm, Freie Universität Berlin
December 11, 2011
Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS, presented by BUND Berlin
6 p.m., Moviemento Cinema, Berlin
December 8, 2011
Festival Screening of RADIOACTIVISTS
This Human World – Filmfestival der Menschenrechte
6 p.m., Top Kino, Vienna, Austria
December 20, 2011
Screening and discussion within the Dies Academicus, University of Leipzig
1pm, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Raum 123 (Campus Uni Leipzig), Germany
November 12, 2011
Official World Premiere of RADIOACTIVISTS
Nippon Connection’s Japan Week 2011
8p.m., German Film Museum Cinema, Frankfurt, Germany
October 18, 2011
‘No nukes – worldwide!’ – Germany as a role model for the Japanese anti-nuclear movement
Infoveranstaltung des BUND Berlin: Vortrag und Diskussion mit Kazuhiko Kobayashi und Vorstellung des Trailers zu RADIOACTIVISTS (Clarissa Seidel anwesend) | An event of the BUND Berlin: Panel and discussion with Kazuhiko Kobayashi, Presentation of the RADIOACTIVISTS-Trailer (in presence of film-maker Clarissa Seidel)
19 Uhr, Crellestraße 35, Berlin (Berliner Landesgeschäftsstelle des BUND) | 7p.m. Crellestrasse 35, Berlin, Germany