Posts Tagged ‘Arrestment’

As our last post consisted in the press release for the 9/11-no-nuke-demonstration in Shinjuku, Tokyo, it is time for a summary of the current protest situation. In the mean time, two big protests took place in Tokyo, that should be reported in this post. September 11th no nuke demonstration in Shinjuku (Tokyo) Maybe it should […]

On April 30th 2011, two people got arrested in Miyashita Park, Tokyo. A Rescue Comittee has been created on this site, informing about this incident in both Japanese and English. I quote:

Golf is a great exercise for the walking and playing muscles. Golf is not an exercise for the nervous system; it has no “neurological effects.” It does not affect your body’s ability to relax; it does not affect your ability to focus and retain information. The only part of the brain that receives input from […]