Japan – Nuclear power free
Veröffentlicht am 7th Mai 2012 von Du Fuchs in AnnouncementTags: Anti-Nuclear Demonstration, Anti-Nuclear Movement, Japan, Nuclear Power, Reactor, Tokyo
Protest in Japan seit Fukushima
Veröffentlicht am 10th April 2012 von Du Fuchs in DiscourseTags: 3.11, Amateurs' Revolt, Anniversary, Anti-Nuclear Demonstration, Anti-Nuclear Movement, Drums of Fury, Fukushima, Grassroots Demonstration, Japan, Mainstream Media, No Nukes More Hearts, Police, Protest, Protest Movement, Tanpopo, Tokyo
Today is April 10, 2012. Exactly one year ago, something happened in Japan that would shake up its society to the core: On April 10, 2011, the biggest grassroots-demonstration since the 1970s took place in Tokyo. With more than 15,000 participants, the „Genpatsu Yamero Demo“ marked a historical turning point in Japanese postwar history.
A group called ‚Amateurs‘ revolt‘ (in Japanese: Shiroto no ran) organized this demonstration shortly after the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima on March 11, 2011. Read the rest of this entry »
RADIOACTIVISTS auf Deutschlandtour
Veröffentlicht am 5th April 2012 von Du Fuchs in Interview, PhotographyDie letzten zwei Monate verbrachten wir damit, mit dem Film RADIOACTIVISTS durch Deutschland zu touren. Es war eine tolle Zeit, und es freut uns, dass wir so viele interessante Menschen auf unserer Reise kennen lernen konnten. Unsere Tour führte uns nach Bremen, Mannheim, Darmstadt, Freiburg, Erlenbach, Hannover, Leipzig und Berlin – in kommunale Kinos, in ein Cineplex, in besetzte Häuser und alte, verlassene Fabriken. Es ist an der Zeit, euch ein paar Bilder zu zeigen: Read the rest of this entry »
Speaking about people’s movement: Jfissures & Radioactivists in New York
Veröffentlicht am 26th März 2012 von clarissaliv in DiscourseFirst of all, the breaking news of today:
Another reactor in Japan was shut down, leaving just one reactor -out of the 54- running. As stated in this article, the official reasons are maintenance and stress tests, but also local governments and electric companies are facing a big public opposition.
There was one panel at the Left Forum in New York City that broached the issue of this public opposition called ‚People’s Movement In the Post Fukushima Nuclear Power Catastrophe‚. Panelists were Keisuke Jinno, Yuko Tonohira as well as Sabu Kohso – the latter two are founders of jfissures.org, a bilingual blog/webpage where we found a lot of information for the preparations of RADIOACTIVISTS and also some of our interview partners (Yoshitaka Mori, Yoshihiko Ikegami, Chigaya Kinoshita. We were also invited as panelists but since we couldn’t come to New York we ended up sending a video message where we summarize our experiences with RADIOACTIVISTS.
(English) 3.11 in 2012
Veröffentlicht am 14th März 2012 von Du Fuchs in DiscourseTags: 3.11, Anniversary, Anti-Nuclear Demonstration, Anti-Nuclear Movement, Fukushima, Protest, Protest Songs