RADIOACTIVISTS is a documentary film project under the German film-makers Julia Leser and Clarissa Seidel. The two of us have been shooting in Tokyo from end-April to mid-May 2011, we have accompanied the rallies and demonstrations within that time, and we have talked to all those critical voices about the current situation: scientists, journalists, activists and bloggers.
The documentary »RADIOACTIVISTS - Protest and Discourse in Japan since Fukushima« wants to explore the Japanese protest culture under the effects of Fukushima and to illuminate the backgrounds of the current movements, protests and critical voices, which keep getting louder, not only in Japan. The situation in Japan made clear that a new phase of political and social fight has just begun, which forces us to act now.
While the Castor rolls through Germany and news about the still radioactively leaking Fukushima power plant spread over the world, people in Japan still continue to protest against the nuclear power policy. Two days ago, on December 3, 2011, a huge demonstration took over the streets of Japans capital Tokyo, the 2nd NO NUKES! ALL […]
On April 30th 2011, two people got arrested in Miyashita Park, Tokyo. A Rescue Comittee has been created on this site, informing about this incident in both Japanese and English. I quote: