Posts Tagged ‘Mainstream Media’

Today is April 10, 2012. Exactly one year ago, something happened in Japan that would shake up its society to the core: On April 10, 2011, the biggest grassroots-demonstration since the 1970s took place in Tokyo. With more than 15,000 participants, the „Genpatsu Yamero Demo“ marked a historical turning point in Japanese postwar history. […]

„This movement aims to stop nuclear power plants, but also problematizes Japanese society and Japanese capitalism. In the past, in terms of problematizing capitalism, we tended to think that someone would change it for us. But now, we think that we must change rather our way of living. So far we have used power freely, […]

Today, meet three more voices that will be in the movie: Yoshihiko Ikegami and Keisuke Narita. “As we know, Japan surrendered in World War II after the two atomic bombs were dropped on it. The question is why Japan now has ended up having 54 nuclear power reactors, despite of its experience of Hiroshima and […]