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On April 30th 2011, two people got arrested in Miyashita Park, Tokyo. A Rescue Comittee has been created on this site, informing about this incident in both Japanese and English. I quote:

„This movement aims to stop nuclear power plants, but also problematizes Japanese society and Japanese capitalism. In the past, in terms of problematizing capitalism, we tended to think that someone would change it for us. But now, we think that we must change rather our way of living. So far we have used power freely, […]

Today, meet three more voices that will be in the movie: Yoshihiko Ikegami and Keisuke Narita. “As we know, Japan surrendered in World War II after the two atomic bombs were dropped on it. The question is why Japan now has ended up having 54 nuclear power reactors, despite of its experience of Hiroshima and […]

In this and the following posts we would like to inroduce you to the people we interviewed during May 2011. All in all we did about ten interviews, and you are about to meet the first three voices of Radioactivists: Hajime Matsumoto and Chigaya Kinoshita. “I believe Japan is going to change. It must. A […]

Golf is a great exercise for the walking and playing muscles. Golf is not an exercise for the nervous system; it has no „neurological effects.“ It does not affect your body’s ability to relax; it does not affect your ability to focus and retain information. The only part of the brain that receives input from […]